Definition: Paso Fino is a gait or walk executed by some of our equines, characterized by an alternated and successive displacement of its two lateral bipeds, producing two beats with each biped to execute the complete cycle or gait in four beats.
Its characterized sound is ta…ca…ta…ca…ta…ca…ta…ca…
The feature that gives it maximum quality is the finesse, product of a permanent and strange synchronism between the speed of the rhythm and the magnitude of displacement. This particularity maintains at all times the beats isochronism, which is verified on hard surface by its sameness sound and on soft surface by the feeling of the rider, when it forms with the horse a true binomial.
Minimun for stallions 1.34 meters
Minimun for mares 1.32 meters
Under the minimum stablished height the horses will be disqualified by Regulation.
Plumb: Like vertical lines that the moving members must follow, they must be analyzed in motion and standing, with frontal, rear and lateral inspection. Regarding the back legs, it is established that they can separately attach to “The vertical lines from the top of the croup”. The moving members must have total anatomic and physiologic normality.
Harmony and Perfection for the different body parts
Front extremities: elastic; medium height and linear propulsion; with the same height as the rear. Step must be flat.
Rear extremities: elastic; of medium height, linear propulsion; flat step.
Harmony and Smoothness
Harmony – All parts must contribute to the visual and sonorous equilibrium of the movement.
Smoothness – It should provide maximum smoothness and comfort to the rider.
Performance and Sustenance
Performance – With very quick cadence and energy in the rhythm.
Sustenance – Must maintain rhythm to perfection in hard or soft floor.
Brio and Temperament
Brio – Must respond positively to rider’s demands.
Temperament – Noble and willing.
Training and reins
Of easy riding and handling.
Profile – Rectilinear (Ideal).
Face – Emaciated, short and wide.
Eyes – Separate and alive, in broad forehead.
Nostrils: Large, dilatable.Ears: Medium sized, narrow; mobile and parallel.
Neck and mane:
Neck: Large with a pyramidal form. Arched in its upper portion and straight in the lower portion. Strong. Joining softly into head and body.
Mane: Not too thick or abundant, silky and smooth.
Withers and back:
Withers – Slightly tall.
Back – Muscular. With approximate angle to the floor of about 55 degrees and
Scapula-Humeral angle of 90 degrees to 92 degrees.
Rib Cage: Slightly concave. Strong. Mid length and wide muscles.
Chest: Wide, deep and Muscular.
Belly: Deep, strong and wide.
Croup: Slightly inclined and wide; muscled and of middle length.
Tail: Set moderately low. Long and Slim dock, elegant posture and medium hair volume and silky.
Hooves: Medium sized, proportionate to the body and strong.
Skin: Skinny, pigmented, with short hair.
Color: Defined.
Colombian Trocha
Definition: It is the way of movement of some of our equines with a successive and alternated move of its two diagonal bipeds, producing two beats with each biped, to execute the complete cycle.
Its characterized sound is tras… tras… tras… tras…
Minimun for Stallions 1.34 meters
Minimun for Mares 1.32 meters
Under the minimum stablished height the horses will be disqualified by Regulation.
Plumb: Like vertical lines that the moving members must follow, they must be analyzed in motion and standing, with frontal, rear and lateral inspection. Regarding the back legs, it is established that they can separately attach to “The vertical lines from the top of the croup”. The moving members must have total anatomic and physiologic normality.
Rear extremities: elastic, of medium height and linear propulsion, with same height as the front extremities. Step should be flat.
Rear extremities: elastic, medium height and linear propulsion, flat step.
Harmony and smoothness
Harmony – Al parts must contribute to the visual and sonorous equilibrium of the movement.
Smoothness – It should provide maximum smoothness when ridden.
Performance and Sustenance
Performance – With very quick cadence and energy in the rhythm.
Sustenance – Must maintain rhythm to perfection.
Brio and temperament
Brio – Must respond positively to the rider’s demands.
Temperament – Noble and willing.
Training and reins
Of easy riding and handling.
Harmony and Perfection for the different body parts.
Profile – Rectilinear (Ideal).
Face – Emaciated, short and wide.
Eyes – Separate and alive, in broad forehead.
Nostrils: Large and dilatable.
Ears: Medium sized, narrow; mobile and parallel.
Neck and mane
Neck – Triangular form with a wide base. Arched in its upper portion and
straight in the lower portion. Strong. Joining softly into head and body.
Mane – Not very abundant, silky and soft.
Withers and back
Withers – Slightly tall.
Back – Muscled. With angle to the floor of about 53 degrees and Scapula-
Humeral angle of 90 degrees up to 92 degrees.
Rib cage: Slightly concave. Strong. Mid length and wide muscles.
Chest: Wide, deep and muscular.
Belly: Deep, strong and wide.
Croup: Round and wide. Muscled and medium length.
Tail: Set slightly high. With long and slim dock. Elegant posture and abundant and silky hair volume.
Hooves: Medium sized, but proportioned to the body.
Skin: Skinny, pigmented with short hair.
Color: Defined.
Extremities and pasterns
Extremities – Muscled, of thin and clean bones, strong joints.
Pasterns – Medium sized, strong and flexible, with an angle to the floor of about 53 degrees in the front legs and 55 degrees in the back legs. Its front profile should forma a straight line with the hooves.
Colombian Trote y Galope
Definition of Trote: Trote is the way of movement of some of our equines through the successive and alternated movement of its two diagonal bipeds, producing one beat with each biped, performing the complete cycle in two beats, without suspension, in none of them.
Its characteristic sound is tas… tas… tas… tas…
Definition of Galope: Galope is a diagonal sequence gait in three beats, which’s cycle or complete gait starts the horse in a first beat with one of its legs, continues in a second beat with the diagonal formed by the other leg and its diagonal hand, and ends in a third beat with the hand diagonal to the leg with which the first beat was made.
Its characteristic sound is es ca… tor… ce… ca… tor… ce… ca… tor… ce…
The fundamental characteristics of the Trote and Galope horse are its collection in movement and the total absence of in both gaits. The former, plus its biro, reins and elasticity of hocks makes it in the world, one of the smoothest for the saddle in this gait.
Minimun for Stallions 1.35 meters
Minimun for Mares 1.34 meters
Under the minimum stablished height the horses will be disqualified by Regulation.
Like vertical lines that the moving members must follow, they must be analyzed in motion and standing, with frontal, rear and lateral inspection. Regarding the back legs, it is established that they can separately attach to “The vertical lines from the top of the croup”. The moving members must have total anatomic and physiologic normality.
Extremities and pasterns
Extremities – Muscled, of thin and clean bones, strong joints.
Pasterns – Medium sized and flexible, strong and flexible, with an angle to the floor of about 51 degrees in the front legs and 53 degrees in the back legs. Its front profile should forma a straight line with the hooves.
Rear extremities: elastic, of medium height and linear propulsion in Trote. Slightly higher in back legs than in front legs when in Galope.
Rear extremities: elastic linear propulsion, medium height and flat step in Trote and in Galope.
Harmony and Perfection in the different body parts.
Profile – From Rectilinear to subconvexilineo (rounded shapes).
Face – Emaciated, short and wide.
Eyes – Separate and alive, in broad forehead.
Nostrils: Large and dilatable.
Ears: Medium sized, narrow; mobile and parallel.
Neck and mane
Neck – Of triangular form with a wide base. Arched in its upper portion and straight in the lower portion. Strong. Of rather short length and depth. Joining softly into head and body.
Mane – Preferably Motilon type with an arched cut. When naturally grew, it is proportional silky and soft.
Withers and back
Withers – Rather tall.
Back – Muscled. With angle to the floor of about 51 degrees and Scapula-Humeral angle of 90 degrees up to 92 degrees.
Rib cage: Slightly concave. Strong. Mid length and wide muscles.
Chest: Wide, deep and muscular.
Belly: Deep, strong and wide.
Croup: Round and wide. Muscled and of medium length.
Tail: Set high. With long and slim dock. Elegant posture. Abundant and silky hair volume.
Hooves: Medium sized, but proportioned to the body.
Skin: Skinny, pigmented with short hair.
Color: Several. Defined.